Having a dog with a very delicate coat is not easy. Usually they require more care because of this, so it is important to always take them to a groomer.
However, it is also important to ensure that your dog’s coat stays warm even after the groomer appointment, which is not always the case.
Sometimes dog groomers make mistakes. It happens. What happened to this owner was so shocking that he made a music video about it.
The owner’s surprise
When Biscuit’s owner took him to the groomerhe had explained to the person working there how he wanted his fur to be.
He wanted it to be short in the back, but not too short. So, naturally, he let the person do their job.
When he came back to get the dog, he was hit with a shocking realization. The dog’s back had been almost completely shaved.
However, the fur around his legs and paws was still there, so he looked a little weird. At first the owner thought it was the wrong dog.
After looking at it a little closer, he realized it was his because of his unique ears. He took the dog home and decided to look for a new groomer.
Before that, however, he had recorded Biscuit’s current state and posted it on TikTok to show the before and after results of their dog’s grooming appointment.
A funny reaction
The short clip received a lot of attention of owners who have had similar experiences and wish to share their opinion on the subject.
One person commented: “On a positive note, it will grow back and be cooler for the summer, BUT don’t go back.»
That’s a good comment. It is important to stay positive. Even though it seems bad now, Biscuit’s fur will grow back quite quickly and he will return to his old self.
Another person said: “We’ve all been there. I take my cockapoo and have to check that it is my dog ​​when I pick him up.»
I’m really surprised by how often these situations happen. It’s no surprise that owners can’t recognize their dogs when they come to pick them up.
Finally, someone commented: “No, he still has the little droopy ear lol. That’s how I could say it haha.»
Okay, so now we know how important it is to find a groomer who knows how to properly care for your dog’s coat.
NeverthelessThis short video was still pretty funny and a lot of people found it hilarious. Even though Biscuit’s fur has now grown back, this video will still serve as a fun reminder of the whole event.