January 13, 2025

When a Long Islander let his dogs play outside in the yard, he could never have imagined the shock he was about to witness.

The owner was watching his puppies as they happily ran around the yard when he suddenly noticed a strange bump near his fence. He called his dogs home and headed for the fence.

As soon as he laid eyes on the mysterious bump, he was shocked to find himself face to face with the little visitor he didn’t expect to see in broad daylight. The mysterious little animal turned out to be a baby owl huddled in his garden.

It was clear he needed help.

The little baby is safe

The owner immediately contacted Strong Island Animal Rescue League.

Frankie Floridia, the wildlife manager, rushed to the scene to save the owl. When he arrived at the family home on Long Island, New York, the owner was still in shock. He marveled at the beauty of this impressive creature.

“He had never seen an owl this low. So he was nervous. the manager said The Dodo.

Floridia put on a pair of gloves and he walked towards the fence.

Since owls live in trees and are most active at night, this was the perfect opportunity for Floridia to admire the beauty of the owl. He couldn’t help but look at her beautiful feathers and her mysterious yellow eyes.

“It’s a majestic creature. He is handsome. This is such a rare creature to see. » said Floridia.

He gently took the baby owl in his hands and he was happy that the owl didn’t protest at all. As Floridia carried her to the cage, he kept telling her that he was safe now.

The majestic animal seemed relieved to be rescued. He was taken to Sweetbriar Nature Centerlocated in Long Island, New York.

At the Nature Center

Upon arrival at the nature center, the baby owl underwent a medical examination.

Rescuers were happy to learn that the owl had no injuries. It was clear that the baby missed his family since he was separated from them too soon.

As the baby was hungry, the staff fed him and reassured him that everything would be okay. The baby owl happily munched on all the treats they gave him.

Thanks to the exceptional love and care of the wonderful staff, the owl began to recover and fly around the nature center.

Even though his day trip didn’t go exactly as he planned, we hope the baby owl appreciated the kindness and care he received from the humans.

After he made a full recovery, staff released the wonderful owl back into the wild where he belongs. The charming baby happily spread its wings and flew away.

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